Sep 25, 2011

bike to nowhere

Rosh Hashana approaching and almost one year since the beginning of my one (shortly lived) pregnancy has me a little blue. Milestones and markers remind me of the passage of time and give me the creeping sensation of having gone nowhere. It seems like everyone else is off to somewhere in life but we've just been peddling away furiously on a stationary bike. And yet in some strange sense I am somewhere completely different from where I was last Rosh Hashana, it is just not the somewhere I imagined I would be.


  1. First off, Happy New Year! I know what you mean about the passage of time. So glad you feel you are in a different place now.

  2. I know how you feel... you made a good analogy :) I often feel as though I'm peddling away furiously but not getting anywhere. Each milestone is such a grim reminder... hoping your Rosh Hashana is different next year... with a little one in your arms xoxo

  3. I know. It's weird. I kind of feel the same way. I hope this new year brings you all of the joy that you deserve (which is a heck of a lot)!

  4. I definitely know how you feel. I look around and say how the hell did I get here again? Wishing you a sweet new year.

  5. Great analogy. I hope this next year brings you to a new place!
