Jan 23, 2011

a less than enthusiastic monitoring update

Guess how many follicles I have on my first injectables cycle?? One freaking lousy follicle (sorry lone follicle, I don't mean to insult you - I still have great hopes for your future!). I have a bunch of 10s, but my dominant follicle is already at 18mm, so there's no way the little ones are going to catch up at this point.

I know that during FSH cycles they usually like to trigger a little earlier than during Clomid cycles and that 17-18mm can be considered mature, so I was confused and surprised when the nurse told me to take Puregon again tonight and then to trigger tomorrow night (Mon) and come in for IUI on Wed morning. Doesn't that seem really late? I didn't have LH drawn today, just E2 and prog levels, but I did get a neg OPK so I don't think I started to surge on my own. STILL Wed seems really late for IUI given that I am already at 18 today (and lining is 10.5mm). What do you ladies think?

I know that the first time on injectables is often just a crapshoot to see how you respond to a guestimated dose (for me very low to start, since I over-responded easily on Clomid) and it's better that we figure this out now on an IUI cycle than later on an IVF cycle, but I can't help but be totally bummed I only have one follicle (and of course now I am convinced that the IUI will be too late). I know it's really stupid and it doesn't work that way, but I don't know, I sort of hoped since it's my birthday I was going to get news that made me happy. I am trying to still have a little hope for this cycle and also to remember that if it doesn't work out, that's one more cycle closer to fulfilling the health fund requirement for them to fully cover IVF.


  1. I'm going to start my injectibles IUI cycle soon (like in a few days) and I'm also on puregon. Low dose too (50 a day, CD 5- CD9)
    Is that what you're on?
    I'm sorry you only have one follie, I'm really hoping for two but as you say it's a crapshoot for the first cycle.

  2. One follicle is all you need, but I know you must be disappointed by this news. 18 is on the low end of mature, so it makes sense to me that they wait another day. Crossing my fingers that this lone follicle is the trick!

  3. I hope your lone follicle is all you need. I think your follie could still grow a bit. On my last iui my follie was 23 before we did our iui. They also say that sometimes its better to do iui after your surge. Alot of women get their bfp after having a later timed iui. Either way I hope it works out. I think we all worry when doing medicated cycle about timing. Good Luck!!

  4. good luck. hope iui is succesful. one healthy follicle may just do it

  5. I hope that one is all you need hon!
    I wanted to also let you know I nominated you for a Stylish Blog Award :) Details are in my blog

  6. Good luck with your cycle! It seems like infertility treatment should be a science, but in reality there is a lot of luck of the draw involved. I hope that your luck is good and that all will go well!

  7. All it takes is one! Don't forget that!

    And happy birthday? :)

  8. How will you get IVF fully covered? Hope this little egg makes momma proud!!

  9. Good luck! I hope it's your golden egg!

  10. I nominated you for a blog award!

  11. Here from ICLW - It is so hard when you're always second-guessing your protocol, wondering if you'd only gone to another doctor or something, you'd be pregnant by now. I'm sure a lot of it is not exactly science in the way we'd like, though, and your doctor's guess is as good as anyone's. I hope it works.

  12. don't worry about the fact that it is just one, for all you know it might be the right one! it is not too late to trigger tomorrow, my ob used to trigger me at 2 cm, even 2.2, so it is ok. you won't ovulate too early, esp if you check to see if you don't have an lh surge before the beta trigger, if no surge then you are safe. good luck, lone follicle!

  13. Hello again! I have given you an award or two. Details on my blog. http://whatsinlaurensuterus.blogspot.com/2011/01/bright-side.html

  14. I so hope that follie pproduces your golden egg! Good luck!

  15. I nominated you for an award. Come see

  16. I see you've already won some awards. But I've given you a stylish blogger award too. Please see my blog for details. http://lissasue3.blogspot.com

  17. Hello from ICLW. This was my issue this cycle as well. One follicle from follistim. I was really upset but nothing you can do. Nearing the end of my 2ww now.

  18. I really hope one turns out to be all you need.

    I've just given you a blog award. Head over to my blog for the details.


  19. hi from ILCW--you only need one!! Cheering for the lone little follicle to hang on till the IUI and keep hanging on for another 9 mos!

  20. It only takes one! And maybe, just maybe, this is the eggo that will get your preggo! Good luck!

    ICLW #131
