Jan 3, 2011

Happy New Years! (and IUI #3)

Oh man, I can't believe how long it's been since I last posted! I fried the motherhood (sorry, motherboard, Freudian slip...but thought I'd keep it:) on my 3-year-old Macbook and am now waiting until my next trip to the states to replace it, so my computer time has been pretty much reduced to whenever I can sneak onto Y's computer or find a free few moments at work. Since it's been over a week, this post is probably going to be somewhat of a smorgasboard.

First, last Wednesday I went in for my CD14 monitoring ultrasound. Since in the past I haven't O'ed on Clomid CDs 5-9 until CD16 or 17, I wasn't particularly concerned that CD14 was too late. I was floored when the ultrasound technician mumbled "That's a little strange" (famous last words at most of monitoring appointments so that part in of itself was not particularly surprising) and then proceeded to tell me that I had two mature follicles at 25 mm and 26 mm already on CD14. The good news is that at least I didn't overrespond with a zillion measurable but not mature follicles this time, but it was still a little unsettling that they were that big at CD14 and also that I hadn't ovulated them naturally already at that size.

I was told to trigger immediately and return in the morning for our IUI. I worried that I would ovulate on my own before the IUI, and sure enough my temp was up almost a full degree the morning of the IUI. Strangely, I had a lot of discomfort and fullness on my right side above my hip bone a few hours after the IUI to the point that I couldn't stand or walk comfortably. Being Debbie Downer, I jumped to the conclusion that maybe one of those huge follicles was actually a functional cyst, but the pain disappeared by the next morning, so who really knows what was going on.

I don't know what the heck to expect this cycle, but as usual, I undulate about 30 times an hour between daydreaming about those two (very robust or very over-ripe?) follicles that are surely developing into healthy twins with a combined IQ of 500 as we speak and feeling sorry for my broken self who in all likelihood will face either another BFN or another miscarriage in the coming weeks. Thinking of all of you wonderful ladies, and hoping that in 2011 all of our wildest dreams will come true!


  1. LOL, you're too funny!

    On a serious note though, I really hope you do get a BFP! And a sticky one at that!

  2. Thanks so much, Lisa! Best of luck to you this cycle - I hope it ends with something great!

  3. Happy New Year! I had an earlier ovulation on my of my IUI's, but I had a thin lining. I hope this is a successful cycle for you!!! Sending you good thoughts and fertile thoughts :)

  4. TH emotional roller coaster is the worst. Fingers crossed for those twins!

  5. Thanks so much for the kind thoughts, ladies! Gurlee- I hope AF gets here soon. I am so happy for you that you and your DH will be together in the same place for good soon.

  6. Good luck! I just had IUI#2 on Sunday and Monday. Also a bit stressful since my usual monitoring days happened over shabbat. So it was based on a positive OPK instead, and I didn't even get a chance to trigger. Hopefully the timing was still good. Thinking good thoughts for those two follicles.

  7. Ha! I love that combined IQ 500! I hope you get your BFP! :)

  8. Timi - I really hope this IUI is it for you!! waiting for baby - thinking of you and so sorry to hear about your recent loss.

  9. Happy New Year!!! Keep thinking of those twins - I hope this cycle is it for you!
